ACLbit – ACL Backup and Inspect Tool

ACLbit is a command line tool to backup and restore POSIX ACLs on Linux file systems. The tool uses its backup database to inspect ACLs.

The inspect part of ACLbit focuses on providing clear and concise output of effective access rights of a particular user. The main purpose is to make life of sysadmins easier when finding out current access rights of a particular user when ACLs are in use, on systems with tens/hundreds of thousands of inodes, especially.

The tool is very fast both in backup and inspect phases. Backup is about 30% faster then simple „getfacl /mnt/test >file“. We found no tool to compare to that provides the inspect phase. The times differ for users with a lot of ACLs and for users with a few.

ACLbit is tool to backup ACLs only. It is not an archiver so it does not backup the files themselves.

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POSIX ACLs are a power feature of most modern file system. They extend the limitted owner-group-others access rights system with more fine-grained access control. With ACLs we can set different access rights on a single file/directory to users Joe and Tom, which is not possible in the traditional owner-group-others. Use the links below or Google to find more about Linux (or POSIX) ACLs.

One of the the reasons to use ACLs in enterprise environment can be Samba. With Samba it is possible to create a Windows domain and/or Windows shares on a Linux box for free. Since Windows administrators are used to set complicated access rights, they want the same functionality when using Samba. Therefore Samba maps Windows ACLs to Linux ACLs.

This is the scenario where our story starts. However, the solution we developed is general Linux ACL solution not limited to use of Samba.

A responsible system administrator who works with ACLs needs to handle two important tasks concerning ACLs: backup and inspect.

The backup task can be solved nowadays using either ACL-compliant archiver or backing up files and ACLs separately. The most known ACL-compliant archiver seems to be star that has outstanding features and is a tool of choice if you want to archive ACLs and files together in one archive. On the other hand, if you want to backup ACLs separately, you will probably choose the standard getfacl and setfacl programs. The former can be used for the backup part, as it simply outputs ACLs to standard output, while the latter can be used for the restore part as it takes the output of getfacl to set ACLs in file system.

So far, either approach you choose there are mature tools to use to solve the backup task.

The inspect task is far more complicated and I was not able to find a simple and fast tool that could be any help. So what is the problem? A system administrator who takes his job seriously needs answers to two basic questions.

The first question can be easily answered using getfacl, as for a single file/directory it outputs understandable tex­t.

However, getfacl output is no use for anyone asking the second question on a file system with more then 20 files. The problem is that getfacl is a simple tool that only lists ACLs for the inspected files or directories. It does not count effective rights of a user, nor recognizes that parent directory has the same access rights as its files/subdirec­tories.

And here comes the mighty ACLbit. Once a file system or its part is backed up, ACLbit can use the backup database to provide the system administrator with clear and concise answer to the second question.

System administrator asks the second question.

$ aclbit -U joe

And gets immediate answer.

rwx /usr/local/joes
--- /usr/local/joes/something/restricted
r-x /usr/local/joes/something/restricted/and/allowed/again

Notice that the user rights displayed are correctly computed effective access rights of user Joe. This means:

Further notice that there is no access rights printed for directory /usr/local/jo­es/something. This is due to an important feature of ACLbit: it does not output accesss rights on a file/directory if it is the same as access rights on its parent.

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The ACLbit project is hosted on Download ACLbit release from there.

ACLbit on

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System Requirements


Place the executable in a folder of your choice.

It is goor to put in a path in your $PATH variable. Good places:



Optionally, create a configuration file to specify the path to your database. This step is not necessary.

Create a file with the same name as the executable (aclbit) in one of the following directories.

../etc (relative to your executable) /etc /usr/local/etc

The directories are search for the configuration file in this order.

Register the path to a database of your choice and tell if you want to backup ACLs for files or for direcotries only:

; Where is your backup database?
; Enter absolute path.

; Do you want to backup ACLs for files?
; Default is 0, ACLs are backed up for directories only.

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Let's jump straight into ACLbit usage.

All the following samples assume that you have set up a configuration file with the database option in it. If it is not the case, append the following option to each aclbit call with the path to your database.

--database /var/aclbit.sdb

Backup ACLs of directories rooted in /mnt/test.

$ aclbit --backup /mnt/test

Inspect effective rights of user joe.

$ aclbit -U joe

Inspect ACLs with an entry for group smbusers.

$ aclbit -G smbusers

Inspect ACLs for /mnt/test/pat­h/to/somethin­g.

$ aclbit -F /mnt/test/path/to/something

Inspect ACLs for /mnt/test/pat­h/to/somethin­g, recursively.

$ aclbit -F /mnt/test/path/to/something --recursive

Restore ACLs for /mnt/test/pat­h/to/somethin­g.

$ aclbit --restore /mnt/test/path/to/something

Restore ACLs for /mnt/test/pat­h/to/somethin­g, recursively.

$ aclbit --restore /mnt/test/path/to/something --recursive

Dump ACLs backed up for /mnt/test backup root.

$ aclbit --dump /mnt/test

Print backup roots in db.

$ aclbit --roots

Remove ACLs backed up for backup root /mnt/test from database.

$ aclbit --remove /mnt/test

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All the following samples assume that you have set up a configuration file with the database option in it. If it is not the case, append the following option to each aclbit call with the path to your database.

--database /var/aclbit.sdb


The backup operation extracts ACLs from the directory, its subdirectories, and files, optionally. The extracted ACLs are saved in an ACLbit backup database file.

Example: Backup ACLs of directories in /mnt/test.

$ aclbit --backup /mnt/test

Example: Backup ACLs of directories and files in /mnt/test.

$ aclbit --backup /mnt/test --files

The directory backed up is called a backup root.

It is possible to have multiple backup roots in one ACLbit backup database. Use –roots option to display all backup roots in database.

Example: Backup ACLs of directories in /mnt/test2.

$ aclbit --backup /mnt/test2

The backup roots cannot overlap. This means that the new backup root cannot be an ancestor or descendant of an existing backup root.

However, it is possilbe to run the backup operation on a backup root that is already in database. In such a case, the new backup replaces the old backup.

Inspect effective user rights

This operation searches the ACLbit backup database for effective user rights of a user.

$ aclbit -U joe

Each row of the output displays user's effective rights on a file/directory. The first column contains effective user rights of user joe in rwx notation. The second column contains path to a file/directory to which the rights apply.

A path is omitted from the output if the user's effective rights on it are equal to the user's effective rights on its parent directory.

The output can look like the following.

--- /mnt/test
rwx /mnt/test/path/to/joes/place
r-x /mnt/test/path/to/readonly/joes/place

This can be read as that user joe has

The effective user rights are computed according to POSIX ACL specification. The effective right is computed in the following order:

There are scenarios, e.g. when using Samba, when the administrator is not concerned about files and subdirectories of a directory with no effective user rights.

Inspect effective rights omitting files and subdirectories of a directory with no effective user rights.

$ aclbit -U joe --cut

The output can look like the following.

--- /mnt/test

Inspect group

This operation searches the ACLbit database for files/directories with an ACL entry regarding a group. It does not distinguish between owning and named groups.

$ aclbit -G smbusers

Each row of the output displays group's effective rights on a file/directory. The first column contains effective rights of group smbusers in rwx notation. The second column contains path to a file/directory to which the rights apply.

A path is omitted from the output if the group's effective rights on it equal to group's effective rights on its parent directory.

The output can look like the following.

--- /mnt/test
rwx /mnt/test/shares

This can be read as that user smbusers has

This does not mean that all users from smbusers group have such access rights. It only means that smbusers group has such access rights, not concerning what rights are assigned to the members of the group.

There are scenarios, e.g. when using Samba, when the administrator is not concerned about files and subdirectories of a directory with no effective group rights.

Inspect effective rights omitting files and subdirectories of a directory with no effective group rights.

$ aclbit -G smbusers --cut

The output can look like the following.

--- /mnt/test

Inspect file

This operation dumps the ACL of a file/directory in the same format as getfacl, but the information is retrieved from the ACLbit backup database. It can either dump ACL of a file/directory itself or it can dump ACLs of a directory and its subdirectories.


$ aclbit -F /mnt/test/path/to/something


$ aclbit -F /mnt/test/path/to/something --recursive


This operation restores a backed up ACL. It can either restore an ACL for a single file/directory or it can restore ACLs for a directory and its subdirectories.


$ aclbit --restore /mnt/test/restore/path


$ aclbit --restore /mnt/test/restore/path --recursive

The restore operations is a shorthand for applying setfacl to file inspection. The examples above have the same result as.


$ cd /mnt/test/restore/path
$ aclbit --F /mnt/test/restore/path | setfacl


$ cd /mnt/test/restore/path
$ aclbit --F /mnt/test/restore/path --recursive | setfacl


The dump operation works on backup roots only. It outputs the same as the getfacl utility, but gets the information from ACLbit backup database.

Check ACLs backed up for /mnt/test.

$ aclbit --dump /mnt/test

The dump operation is in fact a shorthand for recursive inspection of a backup root. So the following gives the same result.

$ aclbit -F /mnt/test --recursive

The output of this command should be equal to running the following command in the time of backup of /mnt/test (without –files option).

$ cd /mnt/test
$ find . -type -d | getfacl --access -- -


Use the roots operation to print all backup roots stored in ACLbit backup database.

$ aclbit --roots

Remove root

This operation removes all ACLs backed up in ACLbit backup database for a backup root.

This removes the /mnt/test backup root and all associated ACLs from ACLbit backup database.

$ aclbit --remove /mnt/test

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Advanced Usage

The ACLbit database is a SQLite3 relational database. As such it can be queried ad hoc with sqlite3 command line tool. The ACLbit database is organized as follows.

As to keep the database as small as possible the access rights, user ids, and group ids are stored as numbers.

The access rights are represented as usual: as a logical OR of r (4), w (2), and x (1). So that full access right is represented as 7.

The owner and group ids are retrieved using the getent utility which returns the current users or groups according to nsswitch.conf settings.

The ACLbit database comprises three tables.

The root table stores backup roots.

Column Type Meaning
root_id INTEGER Unique id of a backup root.
root_path TEXT Absolute path to the backup root.

The file table stores basic information about a file/directory ACL.

Column Type Meaning
file_id INTEGER Unique id of a file.
root_id INTEGER References id of a backup root.
file TEXT Relative path to a file from the backup root with ‚/‘ prepanded and appended. The backup root is represented with ‚/‘.
owner_id INTEGER Id of the file owner according to getent passwd.
group_id INTEGER Id of the file owning group according to getent group.
mask_rights INTEGER Content of the mask::??? ACL entry.
other_rights INTEGER Content of the other::??? ACL entry.
dflt_mask_rights INTEGER Content of the default:mask::??? ACL entry.
dflt_other_rights INTEGER Content of the default:other::??? ACL entry.
flags INTEGER Relative path to a file from the backup root with ‚/‘ prepanded and appended. The backup root is represented with ‚/‘.

The entry table stores individual ACL entries except mask:: and other::.

Column Type Meaning
file_id INTEGER References id of a file this ACL entry belongs to.
user_id INTEGER Id of a user or a group this ACL entry reffers to. It can be either owner, named user, owning group or named group id.
is_user INTEGER 1 if user_id contains id of a user, 0 if user_id contains id of a group.
rights INTEGER ACL entry rights without mask applied.
is_dflt INTEGER 1 for ‚default:‘ entry, 0 for normal entry.

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This project is hosted on…ects/aclbit/

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